The Daily Word of Righteousness

Five Kinds of Righteousness, continued

So Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him. (Hebrews 9:28—NIV)

I think now, in our day, we have come to the second goat of the Day of Atonement, the goat of the removal of sin.

Several verses in the New Testament speak of the coming Day of Redemption. One of my favorites is the passage above.

I believe the day of salvation has begun and will continue throughout the thousand-year Kingdom Age, often referred to as the Millennium.

By salvation I mean the removal of sin from us. Won't that be wonderful?

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is physical death. The destruction of physical death will take place at the return of the Lord for those who are living by His body and blood.

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:54—NIV)

Let us think of the removal of sin as being our land of promise. We must begin to invade and conquer the areas of our personality that are held by the enemy. We cannot do this all at once but city by city, so to speak, as the Holy Spirit leads us.

By the way, if you do not think this program has begun in earnest, ask the Lord Jesus about it. See what He says to you.

It is time to take the Kingdom of God. We knew it had to come some day. Well, I think it has begun.

When Israel went out of Egypt, a type of our being saved from the world, the Jews did not have to fight. God did the fighting for them. All they had to do was sprinkle the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their houses.

As soon as Egypt had been destroyed, God began to lead the Jews toward their land of milk and honey. But guess what? When they got there God did not do all the fighting. The Jews had to fight, with God's directions and help.

So it is that we have come now to the Plains of Moab, so to speak, on the east side of the River Jordan. We are preparing to go across Jordan and engage the enemy in battle. The trumpets are sounding today. You can hear them if you are listening carefully to the Lord at all times.

The drums of Hell are beating to the attack. We are going to see troubles come to America of which we little dream. God's people will be viciously attacked. Only those who press into Jesus will be able to stand.

The drums of El Shaddai also are beating to the attack. The ultimate conflict between good and evil is drawing close. Those who are qualified and competent to be in God's army will participate in the Battle of Armageddon.

But what do we do today?

First of all we must recognize that we cannot be delivered apart from Divine judgment falling on the enemy that has us bound. Every true Christian, every disciple of Jesus Christ, is one of God's judges. Our deliverance depends on our judging the evil that is in our personality.

We do not do the fighting. The angels of God do the actual fighting. Our role, the role of God's Israel, is to bring the judgment of God against the enemy. This is how we fight.

To be continued.