The Daily Word of Righteousness

I Will Come to You, #8

. . . I go to prepare a place for you. (John 14:2)

The purpose of the Christian Era is the construction of the Body of Christ—the bringing of it to the standard of unity and maturity required for the indwelling of God and Christ. As soon as this has been accomplished, as soon as Zion has been built up, the Lord will appear in His Glory.

The Lord Jesus went to prepare a place for us in God.

While the Lord was alive on the earth it was impossible for any person to enter union with God. Mankind was cut off from God because of the sin of Adam. The way had to be made, the place prepared.

Christ went to Gethsemane, to the arena of final obedience. He had to be willing to pay the awful price if people were to be able to enter union with God.

From Gethsemane to the cruel mocking of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities, an unjust trial, and then to the cross.

The soldier's spear opened an entrance in Christ's side, signifying that the way has been opened for us to enter God through Christ.

Christ's blood was shed on the cross. His life was offered as an atonement for our sins; the innocent took the place of the guilty. This offering prepared a place for us in the house of God. Apart from the shedding of Christ's blood it would have been impossible for any person to approach God and dwell in God.

Christ descended into Hell in full payment for the sins of men. Then He rose from the dead and ascended to the Father. If Christ had remained in Hell, none of us could have become a room in the house of the Father. Christ rose from the dead and has proceeded to prepare a place for us in God.

Christ sprinkled His blood upon and before the Mercy Seat in Heaven. Whoever will choose to do so may now come into the very Presence of the Father in order to obtain mercy and grace in his time of need. Also, Christ sprinkles each believer with His blood. The holy and righteous God can receive us sinners because the blood of Christ satisfies God's law of sin and judgment.

When we Christians confess our sins, God is faithful and righteous to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We are enabled thereby to continue to abide in God through Christ.

Christ presented His own broken body and shed blood before the Father. The Father has blessed the body and blood of Christ. Now Christ is feeding His Church with His body and blood—His very Life. Because the body and blood of Christ abide in us, and we live by Christ's body and blood, we are able to abide in God the Father through Christ.

As we said, the ascended Christ gave gifts of ministry to the saints. As the members of the Body of Christ use their gifts through the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, Christ is built up in each member. As we are built up we are better able to dwell in God through Christ.

Christ has been conceived and is being formed in each saint. The new creation in us has been born of God and does not sin. It is the Father's house.

Christ has shed the Holy Spirit of God on His Church. The Holy Spirit enables us to abide in God through Christ. If it were not for the Holy Spirit we would not be able to dwell in the Father's house.

To be continued.