The Daily Word of Righteousness

Actual Righteousness

But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. (Acts 10:35)

There are two kinds of righteousness mentioned in the Bible. The first kind is actual righteousness of behavior, that is, telling the truth, loyalty to one's family, moral cleanliness, honesty, kindliness, and so forth.

God is righteous and He has fellowship with the righteous. Noah was righteous and so God saved him and his family from the flood.

The second kind of righteousness mentioned in the Bible is imputed righteousness. God imputes, or ascribes righteousness to those who put their faith in His Son for salvation.

The Apostle Paul was a strict Jew, what we would call today an Orthodox. Were Paul living today he would have forelocks and wear black clothes.

Somehow God was able to explain to Paul that the laws and statutes of Moses no longer are the basis of righteousness. God is ready to ascribe righteousness to those who, apart from the laws of Judaism, look to Jesus Christ for salvation.

We Gentiles have made a tremendous error of interpretation. We have understood Paul to mean God no longer is interested in righteous behavior (telling the truth, loyalty to one's family, honesty, etc.) but ascribes righteousness only on the basis of belief in Christ.

By works Paul was referring to circumcision and eating pork. By works we are referring to honesty and moral cleanliness. Because of this enormous misunderstanding, the Christian testimony has been destroyed throughout the world.

The Old Testament teaches (in a particular context) that there is no righteous person on earth. Actually many righteous people are listed in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

The Apostle Paul picked this idea from the Old Testament to show that all people must come to Christ for salvation for there is no salvation or eternal righteousness in any other name. This is absolutely true.

But we Gentiles have gone on to deduce that righteous behavior is not only relatively unimportant but if emphasized is an affront to God and Christ.

Thus, the central purpose of God under the new covenant has been aborted. Instead of Divine grace being the means by which God is able to produce a new, righteous creation in people, grace has become an alternative to righteous behavior. If such were the case the new covenant would be inferior to the old.

How many times does Paul in his epistles inform us that the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom of God?

The truth is, our righteous God will not walk with unrighteous people. God has made a way that the unrighteous may approach Him, and that is through the blood of Jesus. But the purpose is for the unrighteous to turn away from his sin and with the help of God's Spirit begin to live a righteous, holy, obedient life before God.

If the individual, having come to God's holy Throne through the blood of Jesus, does not turn from his wicked ways and begin by the grace given to him to grow in righteousness, then he is despising the mercy of God in Christ. He is facing the wrath of the Consuming Fire of Israel.

Because God's people are not growing in actual righteousness of behavior, but are counting on ascribed righteousness to save them, the judgment of God is hovering over the Christian nations. The Gentile holocaust is at hand.

If you hope to be spared in the evil day that is coming, turn to God; confess your sins and repent of them; humble yourself and ask God to help you deal uprightly with your family, your friends, and all other people with whom you come in contact. Be known as a righteous person and you will bring many with you.

God does not change. Christ does not change. The wicked individual, Christian or not, is facing a resurrection of shame and everlasting contempt. But those who turn many to righteousness will shine as the stars forever.