The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Three Temptations of Christ, #14

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. (I Thessalonians 5:23)

In the first death and resurrection (initial salvation) we pass from spiritual death to spiritual life in the Presence of God.

In the second death and resurrection (sanctification) we pass from sinful behavior to holy behavior.

In the third death and resurrection (conquest) we pass from self-will to God's will.

As soon as we have perfect life in body, soul and spirit; perfect liberty in body, soul and spirit; and perfect will in body, soul and spirit; we are fully redeemed. Then we are able to receive the fullness of the abiding in us of the Father and the Son through the Holy Spirit.

The final result of all three deaths and resurrections is our acceptance by the Lord and our rest in Him. In the third death and resurrection (conquest) we die to the rebellion and stubbornness of our will and are raised into the Presence and fellowship of the Father. It is a reaping to the Father. It is a crucifixion and renewing of our will in Christ.

The way to the righteousness of the first resurrection is through the blood of Jesus.

The way to the liberty of the second resurrection is through the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.

The way to the fruitfulness and dominion of the third resurrection is through fellowship with Christ's suffering and His Glory. We overcome by loving not our lives to the death. This is the path to the throne of Christ.

Every Christian, through the blood of his Redeemer, has access to the Throne of God, there to make his needs known and to offer adoration. The extent to which he is able to abide in the Presence of God's throne in every situation depends on his willingness to allow the grace of God to work redemption in him.

How blessed to be released from the bondage of having to have our own way! God strikes down our youthful glee, our striving for position and preeminence, our impulsive enthusiasms.

The third death (death to the human will) requires a period of time for its accomplishment. It is a protracted death to our willingness to accomplish our desires without seeking the will of God. The third resurrection is a protracted resurrection into rulership with Christ and restful service to Him in our land of promise. One part of the resurrection at this level is the making alive of our mortal body, which will occur at the appearing of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The third death and resurrection is necessary for the fullness of the image, union, fruitfulness, and dominion that are our inheritance in Christ. It is death to attempting to serve God in our own wisdom and power. It is judgment on us as an individual, on the deepest center of our will and being.

The fullness of the inheritance of Christ will be given to each person who will remain faithful to God at the level of conquest.

To be continued.