The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Three Temptations of Christ, #19

Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? (Matthew 6:25)

The first trial is the issue of "bread"—the requirement of physical life on the earth. Mankind today seems determined to prove that man is an animal whose business in life is that of working, eating, playing, sleeping and reproducing. If all these are taken care of the destiny of man is complete and fulfilled.

Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the destiny of the dog. A dog eats, plays, sleeps, reproduces, and, in some instances, works for his keep. If he works, the dog does so in order to eat, play, sleep, and reproduce.

Man can reduce himself to the animal level if he chooses to do so. He can abide as a creature of the dirt and dwell in filth and degradation that the owner of a horse would not permit for his animal.

People are the offspring of God, not of apes. The Spirit of God calls men and women up from the dirt of the ground so they may ascend to their lawful place among the stars. God calls us up and up while the world and the flesh drag us down until we are rolling in the gutter in far worse condition than a hog in its pen.

We make the choice. Can man live by bread alone? This is the issue of the first testing of the sons of God. Can we have a satisfactory life on the earth apart from the life of God? Or are we elected to partake of the Substance of God so we truly may serve the Lord in the present age and possess eternal life in the ages to come?

"Command this stone that it be made bread." Turn all your God-given talents to the task of human survival. The most important aspect of life is the food you put into your mouth. Acquire all the money you can so you will not have to depend on the Lord. Eat, drink and play. This is the whole meaning and purpose of existence.

Do not pay attention to God's Word because God is not trustworthy. His desire for you is that you be deprived of what is necessary and desirable for your stay on the earth.

Such is the counsel of the devil to us in the first temptation. How shall we answer?

And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. (Luke 4:4)

There always is a flow of Words and Life proceeding from the mouth of God and some of this flow is directed toward us as an individual. It is by the Words and Life of God that we are to live our daily life.

There is more to life than food. A human being possesses a body, a soul and a spirit. Vegetables and meat nourish the human flesh. In addition to these calories and nutrients, people must have the nourishment that comes from the Divine Life of God. If people do not receive on a consistent basis the blessing, guidance, and nourishment that come from God, the soul and spirit wither and die and the body itself suffers from lack of the healing touch of the Lord.

To be continued.