The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Three Temptations of Christ, #33

But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. (Psalms 22:6)

There is no way to the fullness of God other than through the pinnacle experience. It is the devil who puts us on the pinnacle, but only in the deliberate will and timing of the Father.

God studies our reactions on the pinnacle for He is creating sons in His image. He requires obedience in the inner parts of our being. The way of creating obedience in us is by taking from us many relationships, things, and circumstances we embrace and by delaying the gratification of our most fervent desires, the answers to our most fervent prayers.

Sometimes physical pain, weariness, and discomfort are our portion. We are brought into situations we detest and are required to face such situations anew each morning for a season. Or, dread and fear may be the principal actors in the play and fill our future with gloom and seeming doom.

These trials can be exceedingly unpleasant and we may lapse into bitterness, blaming people or even God! If we continue praising God instead, trusting in His Word and giving Him glory for the relief we hope and believe will come our way in His time, precious jewels of patience, faith, courage, and obedience will be created in us.

We may groan in the Lord's prison for a season. Then the day breaks and we find ourselves in a larger place with God.

If you are on the pinnacle today, wait for Christ. Look diligently to Him, meanwhile letting your desires be made known to the Father with all praise and thanksgiving. He will bring you out on time—not one second too late.

Do not allow your barren condition to cause you to take a "don't care" attitude toward Christ. Continue praying to God for everything you need and desire. Never, never, never give up. Your answer shall come.

The afflicted saint should pray (James 5:13) and keep his future bright with the promises of God. There is an end to your tunnel. Remain faithful to God and you will receive the desires of your heart. The Scripture cannot be broken.

When we do not pray diligently for release and fulfillment we drift into passivity and may accept pains that are not necessary. This is not healthy spiritually or mentally. Jesus instructed us to ask so we may receive and possess fullness of joy. Let us pray for the desires of our heart, giving thanks to God continually.

Paul had learned to glory in his infirmities. We can do this when the power of Christ is resting on us and we can observe the relationship between our weaknesses and the abundant fruit being produced.

Nevertheless the afflicted saint should hold his desire for better days fervently before the Lord while he is faithfully and diligently working at the tasks set before him.

Christ knows. Christ knows. Christ Himself has been on the pinnacle of uselessness. God is mindful of your willingness to suffer in His name. He who upholds the heavens and the earth and all who dwell therein will make certain you emerge in total victory over all your enemies. You shall receive the desires of your heart.

Your prison doors shall open by the Lord's hand. There shall come an end. Just remember that—there shall come an end to your misery!

To be continued.