The Daily Word of Righteousness

Justice for the Nations, #3

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: (Ephesians 4:11-13)

The Urgency of Today

Since the bringing of justice to the nations waits for the preparation of the body of the Deliverer, and since the body is built up by that which every part supplies, it is urgent that the Christian churches become much more attentive to the need for developing the dormant ministries existing in the assemblies.

The Bible states that the Holy Spirit gives gifts to every member of the Body of Christ. There is no true Christian that does not have one or more gifts from the Holy Spirit.

It is the author's point of view that the members of most Christian assemblies do not know what their gifts are nor are they actively pursuing them.

During the last fifty years there have been successful attempts to follow the scriptural pattern of laying on of hands and prophesying in order to inform the believers of their gifts or to impart gifts. Prophesying by a godly presbytery has been helpful at times. But the greater part of the task of equipping the believers for their role in building the Body of Christ remains to be accomplished.

It is not enough for people to be prophesied over. They must be informed of the fact that a gift of the Spirit is not a blessing we tack on to our business as usual life. Our gift in the Body (and this includes every believer) must become the focus of our life, just as the various parts of our physical body view the service of the body as their principal task. We would be in bad shape if some part of our body began to pursue some activity other than servicing our body!

There is no way to find out what God's will is other than to present our body a living sacrifice to God. Until we do this it is highly probable we never will discover what it is we are to contribute to the body of the Deliverer.

Until we present our body a living sacrifice we are not a Christian. This may sound radical but it is true. Our definition of a Christian, in the United States of today, is not the same as the Bible definition.

Currently we are in the deep freeze of an apostasy that perhaps is without precedent in the United States. It is true there are signs of life here and there. But no real revival of godliness will take place until we turn from the grace-rapture-Heaven model of salvation to the patient, cross-carrying obedience of the believer who is entering the Kingdom of God through much tribulation.

To be continued.