The Daily Word of Righteousness

Judgment and Rewards, #49

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (I John 2:17)

God loves all people because He is their Creator. God loves the members of His Church.

But God's eye especially is on His sons who, through the grace of Christ, are beginning to bring the rule of God into the material creation.

God blesses diligence, faith, and courage. Those who are performing His will are greatly blessed and helped by the Lord. He is with them to reward them and to guide them into ever greater victories.

The conquerors will be rewarded to an incomprehensible extent for they are performing the Lord's will. They are moving the creation toward righteousness.

But the weak believers, who often are overcome by the pressures and problems of the world, may not be entering God's program.

Some of those who appear to be defeated are strong saints who are passing through fiery trials. They will emerge stronger than ever. God will bring them forth when they have been formed to His satisfaction. Others who are being overcome may be physically, mentally, or emotionally handicapped in some manner. They are to be assisted by the stronger believers. This is pleasing to the Lord.

Still others who are faltering are lukewarm, deluded Christians. They are trusting and hoping God will save them in the Day of Wrath for Jesus' sake, and also that they suddenly will be transformed into divinely ordained kings and priests and will inherit the fullness of the inheritance of the sons of God.

Of this group, many are dangerously close to the fire. If we as a "Christian" continue to love the ways of Satan we will be cast into Hell. We may disobey God until we are lost to the Presence of our Creator for eternity. Consider the life and fate of Judas Iscariot, who was chosen to be one of the twelve disciples of the Lord!

God knows those who are weak but who love Him sincerely. He will send help to them so they may become stronger in the Lord. But every individual who hopes to be a part of Christ in that Day must seek the Lord with all of his heart. Christ is strict with us concerning the use of the talents given to us.

The weak, wavering believers are not as yet part of the solution to the problem of causing God's will to be done in the earth as it is in Heaven. The weak still are part of the problem. As was true of Lot, they are in one predicament after another. The stronger saints must help them at every turn (II Timothy 2:25; Jude 23).

God may save many of the weak in the Day of Christ. But they may be punished severely for their laziness and disobedience; they may be stripped of every reward.

How often the Kingdom of God would have made great advances in the earth, only to be slowed to a halt by the slothfulness and unbelief of the "believers" in Christ. God is fully aware of the details of each such incident. All will be brought forth; all will be made manifest in the Day of the Lord.

To be continued.