The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Kingdom of God Is at Hand, #12

No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him. (John 1:18)

In the first three days the two witnesses were two people: Adam and Eve; Abraham and Sarah; Moses and Aaron. The two witnesses of the fourth day, the day of revelation, are the Father and the Son. The two witnesses of the last three days will be God and man, as we shall see.

The significance of the fourth day is that the Godhead was revealed. We learn to refer to God as our Father. We learn also that Christ is the Eternal Life who has been with the Father from eternity.

Every saved human being must witness the unveiling of God's purpose, must submit to separation from evil, and must receive dry ground on which to stand. He also must experience the revelation of God—who He is, His will for mankind, and His will for the individual person.

The fourth day is the revelation of God. It was not Jesus who originated the words of the Sermon on the Mount, it was the Father dwelling in Him who conceived those universal Words and who worked the miracles. In the Lord Jesus Christ dwells all the fullness of the Godhead in bodily form. In Christ we behold the Person and Life of the Father.

The angels themselves desire to look into the things of the Gospel, for God has appeared in the flesh. The appearing of Christ to the world is the most important event in the history of mankind. It also is a revelation to the spirit realm—to the elect angels and to the fallen angels as well.

The fourth furnishing of the Tabernacle of the Congregation was the solid gold Lampstand, the light of the Holy Place. The witness of the fourth day is purely Divine (solid gold). It is the manifestation of God Himself: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Mankind has seen the God of Heaven in Christ. Now we understand much more about our Creator. We are commanded to be baptized into the name of the Father because we are His children. We are commanded to be baptized into the name of the Son because He is our Lord and Savior. We are commanded to be baptized into the name of the Holy Spirit because He is the eternal resurrection Life in us—the third Person of the Godhead.

Four days are working simultaneously:

The day of unveiling of the purpose of God is continuing. We are drawing near to the return of the Lord Jesus. The setting up of the Kingdom of God is clearer, more real to us. The mystery is unfolding in the Church.

The day of separating the Church from the world, the eternal from the temporary, the heavenly from the animal and satanic, is continuing. People still are being called out of the world to follow Jesus.

The day of dry ground is continuing. Christ is being formed in the saints. The godly remnant are learning to lean on the Lord in every matter. The saints are growing in righteousness, holiness, and obedience to God.

The day of revelation of the Divine Godhead is looking forward to the goal—the first resurrection. The Spirit of God is calling the firstfruits of the Bride to come away with the Lord. We understand God's intention to be that we enter total union with the Lord Jesus, becoming an eternal part of Him.

To be continued.