The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Kingdom of God Is at Hand, #19

And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever. (I John 2:17)

Human beings, including the elect of God, are deeply rebellious. Men want to be the kings of the churches. We can observe this characteristic of religious leaders throughout the history of the denominations, and in the present-day multitude of kingdoms, great and small, that name the Name of Christ.

God's elect often are not willing to accept His total dominion over every facet of their lives. This is evident in the Christian community. Anyone who presents the claims of the Lord is considered "harsh."

It is not uncommon to hear "Christians" say they know what the Lord's will is but they are not doing it.

If the believers of today had any idea of the terror of the Lord or of the consequences of rebellion they never would permit such open defiance of the God of Heaven to proceed from their mouths. They have been misled by their teachers and pastors who are making merchandise of them.

The pastors of today who are making merchandise of the people, using them as a means of monetary gain, have little concept of the fiery furnace toward which they are heading with their followers.

No individual will be accepted by the Lord God until he has received Jesus as his personal Lord.

The nations of the earth must be smashed to pieces before they will bow the knee and confess that Jesus is Lord of all. The thousand-year period will not be the paradise the term Millennium has come to signify. Rather, it will be a "Davidic" reign of warfare in which people slowly are brought under the rule of Christ.

It is only as people accept the rule of Christ that the curse will be lifted from the earth; that the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord will cover the earth; that the child will lead the wild and domestic animals in peaceful coexistence.

We understand from the Scriptures that radical changes are coming to the earth in the near future. The Scriptures teach plainly that the day will arrive when God enters the earth and judges and rules the nations. This is the sixth day of creation.

O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah. (Psalms 67:4)

The Day of Image and Union

The concept of image and union is that of bringing every aspect of our personality into perfect submission to the will of God.

Each human being has come into the world in a state of lawlessness. God does not deal thoroughly with the lawlessness in the believer until the individual has received Christ and been filled with God's Spirit.

After the Levitical feast of Pentecost comes the observance of Trumpets, and then the Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27—the Day of Image and Union). This means that after we are forgiven through the blood of the atonement and filled with the Spirit of God, it is time for the Lord Jesus to come and tear down the idols of our personality, bringing us into Christ's moral image, and union with the Father.

To be continued.