The Daily Word of Righteousness

Man-centeredness, #33

Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them which shewed before of the coming of the Just One; of whom ye have been now the betrayers and murderers: (Acts 7:52)

The Pharisees were doctrinally correct but they murdered Jesus of Nazareth because He threatened their self-centered existence. As we understand it, the Laodicean churches will be doctrinally correct in terms of Christian doctrine but they will murder the prophets of the Lord.

The spirit of Laodicea is among us already. Even today we find that many Christians tend to shun anyone who is preaching cross-carrying obedience to Christ. They find such preaching negative, gloomy, harsh, unloving—not at all what they equate with the "happy, loving Jesus."

Someone is incorrect. Either the Words of Christ are incorrect or else the modern presentation of the Lord Jesus is incorrect.

The concept of the "happy, loving Jesus" is the product of the attempts of the old, adamic creation to make the Gospel of the Kingdom attractive to men and women.

It is not a true concept of Christ or His Gospel. Indeed, the Lord Jesus is happy and loving. But in order for us to attain His image, union with Him, fruitfulness in Him, and rulership in Him, all that we think, say, and do must be brought down to the death of the cross. Death is just that—death! There is nothing pleasant about it. The motive that keeps a true saint plowing ahead is the hope of the glory to be revealed at some future date.

The Lord Jesus created all things, and then brought that creation to a close on the cross of Calvary. After this He was raised from the dead by the Glory of the Father as the beginning of a wholly new creation. The same Holy Spirit who raised the Lord from the dead brings each true saint into the likeness of the death of the Lord and into the power of His resurrection, making him an eternal part of the new creation of God.

There is no manner in which the old can become the new except through death and resurrection. No fellowship is possible between the old and the new. The old understands the old and the new understands the new. They are irreconcilable. The true saints and the worldly churches always will distrust and resist one another. They represent two different kingdoms and they are at war. Only one will emerge in victory.

In the present hour the members of the first creation are enjoying the things of the world. But in the Day of the Lord the members of the new creation will inherit everything, and the people of the first creation will be judged for their works.

Let each of us lay down his life so the Spirit of God can bring forth the new creation in him. Let us pray that Christ will be exalted in us. We must decrease but He must increase until He fills the universe. Christ alone is the true Beginning and the true End of all things. He is the Amen of God. Every other individual who would be exalted is a thief, a liar, a usurper.

To be continued.