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The Daily Word of Righteousness
The Judges of the Kingdom, #7
This shall be written for the generation to come: and the people which shall be created shall praise the Lord. (Psalms 102:18)
It may be true that we are the generation of which the Lord Jesus spoke when He stated that many who are last (in time?) will be first (in the Kingdom?—Matthew 19:30).
We have been chosen to be alive in this hour so we may respond to God in the fullness of overcoming vigor. Such a response on our part will cause Satan to be cast out of the heavens, and the salvation and power, and the Kingdom of our God and the authority of God's Christ, to be revealed.
How are we to overcome the accuser?
First, by the blood of the Lamb. We must learn to trust in the righteousness that is in the blood. Satan always is accusing us. We are not to respond to these accusations but to trust that the blood of Jesus is keeping us free from guilt in the sight of the Father. We trust in the blood for our righteousness and we will not submit to the accusations of the enemy. We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb.
Second, by the word of our testimony. The work of the Holy Spirit is to bring forth the Word of God in our ministry and in our personality. We always are being challenged by the Word of God. We are tempted at times to become discouraged, to believe that God cannot or will not bring to pass in our life all He has written.
We continue to minister to the Body of Christ by the power that the Spirit gives us and we continue to maintain faith in God's Word. No matter what happens to us we proclaim faith in every promise in God's Holy Word. We do not quit in discouragement, unbelief, or rebellion. We hold fast to what God has stated. We always justify God with our mouth.
What we are able to minister, what we become, and what we say, are all of the Holy Spirit. These aspects of the Divine testimony overcome the lies and accusations of Satan.
And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. (Revelation 11:10)
The Christian churches of today are not always tormenting those who dwell on the earth with their testimony. They are not always overcoming the accuser. The Spirit of prophecy is not always in them.
The wealthy democracies are filled with "Christian" ministries of all kinds. These ministries are accepted by the governments and are part of the national cultures. They sometimes are worthless to the Kingdom of God, and actually destructive because they claim to represent God's will in the earth.
The Divine testimony is not always clearly borne by the Christian ministries.
In the dark hour that is ahead the Christian denominations will become part of the worldwide Babylon. The true saints, those in whom dwells the Spirit of prophecy, the testimony of Jesus, will be forced out of the cities of the earth.
To be continued.