The Daily Word of Righteousness

Without Sin Unto Salvation, #18

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (II Corinthians 5:17)

It is the second man, the life-giving spirit, who is the Kingdom of God. It is useless to speculate on the possibility of the first man entering the Kingdom.

The first man can be governed by the Kingdom and can walk in the light of the Kingdom. But this is a temporary condition. In God's new world the Kingdom eventually must be created in the individual.

The Kingdom is made up of people who once were human beings, as we understand the term, but who now are a new kind of creature, a new form of humanity.

The human shape remains. The consciousness and the will (now submitted to God) also remain. But the individual has become a member of a new race. The new creation is a Divine humanity.

Unlike the first man, the second man does not consist of a natural body, a natural mind, a soul, and a spirit. The second man is not a personality apart from the Godhead. The second man is as unable to exist or function apart from the Godhead as the first man is unable to exist or function apart from air, water, and food.

We have stated that the Lord Jesus Christ is the supreme Example of the second man.

If the Lord Jesus is the perfect Example of the second man it can be seen that the body of the second man is spiritual, consisting of resurrected flesh and bones living and moving by the Spirit of God rather than by the processes of blood, air, and water.

The mind of the second man is so under the influence and guidance of God as to be a greatly glorified form of what we ordinarily think of as a mind. The second man walks in the Spirit of prophecy and revelation, directed and moved always by the Lord rather than by any wisdom or judgment of his own apart from the Lord.

It takes a long time before we are able to enter this kind of thinking and motivation. We learn to have the mind of Christ now—during our present trials. The mind of Christ will not be dumped on us against our will when we die physically or in the Day of Resurrection.

The soul of the second man is the throne of God. The fires of his life have been brought into union with the Godhead (John 14:23). He is one with the great eternal Fire that God Is.

The spirit of the second man is one with the Spirit of God (I Corinthians 6:17).

Consider the Lord Jesus Christ. His consciousness and will are unchanged from eternity to eternity, although He learned obedience through suffering during His stay on the earth. The Lord Jesus is a unique Individual as is true of each of us.

But the kind of Person Christ is has changed from the eternal Logos, to the Rabbi of Nazareth, to what He is today.

The body of Jesus consists of His resurrected flesh and bones in a glorified state (Luke 24:39; Revelation 1:13-16). If we overcome, as He overcame, we will have a body like His (Philippians 3:11,12,21).

The mind of the Lord Jesus always is under the inspiration of the Spirit of God.

To be continued.