The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Marriage of the Lamb, #21

My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; (Song of Solomon 2:10-12)

If it were true that to overcome merely is to confess Christ; that our only work is to believe; that to behave righteously is desirable but not of critical importance because when God looks at us He sees only the righteousness of the Lamb; that we will receive neither the good nor the evil we have done because God no longer sees us or our behavior but only the righteousness of His Son in us; then most of the exhortations of the New Testament from the beginning of Matthew to the last chapter of Revelation do not apply to us.

The concept of the blood-covering is scriptural in its context but it has been carried to an extent neither Christ nor Paul ever suggested. When faith is not balanced by righteous behavior we have a destructive error.

We hope by the foregoing words to have supported our emphasis on the reconciliation stage of the marriage of the Lamb. It is time for the Bride of the Lamb to awaken and wash her robes in the blood. It is time for the Bride to come out (in a spiritual sense) from the babylonish (manmade, man-centered, man-directed) confusion of the churches and to seek her Lord.

The winter is over and past. The time of the singing of birds has come. Can you hear His voice? He is calling to you. He wants you to be without spot or wrinkle. If you will go with Him He will make you His spotless bride.

"It is time. It is time. It is time. Arise, Bride of the Lamb, go with your Husband. He has come for you."

The marriage of the Lamb contains a formation stage and also a reconciliation stage. The reconciliation stage is the coming of the King to us in fulfillment of the old covenant Blowing of Trumpets and Day of Atonement to cleanse us from all rebellion and lawlessness.

We have pointed out that such judging and cleansing cannot take place when the Lord appears, for we will appear with Him in glory (Colossians 3:4). How could we appear with Christ in glory before we have passed before the Judgment Seat of Christ, before we have been reconciled to Him completely and perfectly?

Perhaps the reader is going through just such a season of fiery trials. You are seeking the Lord to the best of your ability but are undergoing prolonged difficulties. No explanation has been given as to the reason for them and it is not possible to determine how long they will last. Problem is heaped upon problem until it seems impossible to bear them any longer.

Keep in mind what the Apostle Peter said: "the righteous scarcely be saved" (I Peter 4:18). Judgment begins with the household of God, and even those who are close to the Lord are saved with difficulty. Your fiery trials are "saving" you. You are being redeemed by judgment. You are being reconciled to the Lamb by the tribulations you are suffering.

To be continued.