The Daily Word of Righteousness

Ministry by the Spirit, #12

Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. (I Timothy 3:6)

The elders must be men of proven experience, not young Bible-school graduates. The youngster may be gifted and intelligent, but proven experience can be gained only by the passage of time. An elder should be older!

For an assembly is to be operated by true elders requires that the elders be willing and skillful, and that the Holy Spirit implement the program with Divine wisdom and power.

In order to move past the pattern in which the elders officiate in every capacity, including the ministry of the Word of God, and the members of the congregation do nothing but sit and listen, the congregation must pray more than they do. The believers must speak in tongues more often and then begin to prophesy.

It is hoped that from prophecy the disciples may proceed to the operation of discernment, the word of knowledge, the gifts of healing, and all the other gifts and ministries of the Spirit. There must be a sense of expectancy in each meeting that God will move among the saints.

There may be error, self-aggrandizement, confusion, false starts, and other problems, when participation by the saints is being encouraged. One means of handling such "danger" is for an organization to appoint someone, regardless of his age and experience as a Christian, to preside as an elder, teach the Word, rely on music to occupy the time that should be given to participation by the believers, and keep unannounced events to a minimum.

But God will not permit this pattern in the present move. The elders who refuse to encourage the members of the congregation to participate in spiritual ministry will be left behind as the Ark moves on toward the land of promise.

The elders will be tempted to "put their hands on the Ark" as it arrives on the scene in our day. The Glory of God is coming down the road. Let us remember the well-intentioned efforts of Uzzah. The Lord struck Uzzah, who was not a priest or Levite, because he touched the holiness of God.

And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God. (II Samuel 6:6,7)

In every assembly of saints there are those who have been called and anointed to minister the holy things of God. It is the duty of the elders to assist the members to come into their place in Body ministry. The elders must be insightful and firm—understanding the mind of the Lord.

It is a cause for rejoicing on the part of true elders when mighty works of wisdom and power come through the members of the Body.

The elders of today, beginning to understand the problems elders have had through the centuries, often murdering the saints in order to glorify a denomination, must be on their guard. They must determine that they truly are serving as elders and are not, as King Uzziah, seeking to usurp the role of those who are anointed to minister the holy things.

The elder must realize he is not a lord over God's inheritance but a servant—a servant who waits on the Lord and His people so those who are called to minister in the Holy Place may be able to perform their service without distraction.

To be continued.