The Daily Word of Righteousness

Deliverance From Punishment or From Sin?, continued

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (Isaiah 14:13,14)

As for going to Heaven, sin began in Heaven around the throne of God. Of course you can sin in Heaven. Sin is spiritual in nature. The sin that occurs in the physical world has its source in the realm of spirits. That is why it often is vain to fight wickedness with physical means. You first have to bind the strong man before you can spoil his house.

God's will has to be done in the heavens before it can be performed in the earth.

Also, it will always be possible to sin, even throughout the ages to come. The problem of our sinning is not solved by dying and passing into the spirit realm. Our taking up our cross and following after Jesus Christ is the only solution to sin. Christ in us is the wall against sin.

Another problem we have is that of imagining we can carry imputed righteousness over to the next world. Paradise will not be filled with wicked people whom God has accepted because of imputed righteousness. God forbid! Yet this is what is being taught it seems.

Sin originated in the heart of Heaven around the Throne of God. Sin then was carried down into Paradise on the earth. Thus neither going to Heaven nor dwelling in Paradise solves the problem of sin.

Well, then, what is salvation all about? Salvation is all about getting the sin out of us.

Okay. So we come to the sinner and we say, "Believe in Jesus Christ and you won't go to Hell but to Heaven when you die." You realize of course that there is no instance of such preaching in the Bible. We have made this up. It is part of the traditions of the elders. The problem is, we haven't stressed the need for repentance.

So the sinner accepts this. Then he goes to church and the preacher tells him Jesus expects him to be a disciple. He is supposed to present his body a living sacrifice.

If the person is a sincere seeker of God he will pray and ask God to help him do what is required of him. But if he is just looking for a fire escape he will resent the requirements of discipleship and will shop around until he finds an assembling that is preaching lawless grace.

Suppose we were to come to the sinner and say, "Repent of your wicked ways, be baptized in water showing that you are crucified to the world and are risen with Jesus Christ. When you do your sins will be forgiven and you will be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Now you are to serve the Lord with all your heart until He comes."

When the convert begins to assemble with the other disciples the pastors and teachers guide him into the Spirit-filled life. The Spirit-filled life, for the most part, consists of putting to death the deeds of the flesh. The convert is being prepared for life with God in the new world of righteousness.

To be continued.