The Daily Word of Righteousness

Participation in the Parousia, #13

Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee. (I Timothy 4:16)

We are preparing ourselves now for the worldwide ministry that is to come. We prepare ourselves by doing what Jesus has commanded in the Scriptures, and also what He speaks to us personally. We are to pray, meditate daily in the Scriptures, live a holy, righteous life, gather together with fervent disciples on a regular basis (if possible), give of our means, serve as the opportunity presents itself, and faithfully use our gifts and ministries as the Holy Spirit directs and enables.

The Spirit of God is faithful to bring us into the likeness of the death of Jesus and to raise us into newness of life. The process of death and life, death and life, death and life, is quite distressing and painful to our natural personality. There is no other means by which we can be transformed from flesh-and-blood life into eternal life. In order to attain the resurrection from the dead we must be changed into Christ's death (Philippians 3:10,11).

One of the lessons that wisdom and maturity teach us is that we cannot escape from our troubles or unhappiness by going to another location. What we are, we are. If we are serving Christ faithfully now, growing in eternal life, serving, giving, learning, we will continue to do so in the parousia. We will save ourselves and those who hear us.

If we are not serving Christ faithfully now, are not growing in eternal life, are not serving, giving, learning, we will not do so in another city or country, in Heaven, or in the parousia. Bringing a person from one place to another or from one time period to another or from one environment to another does not change what he himself is. How men deceive themselves by imagining what they will do in some other place or at some other time!

What Satan is, he is, whether he is in the heavens, on the earth, or in Hell.

What Christ is, He is, whether He is in the heavens, on the earth, or were He to invade Hell itself.

The same is true of us. What we are, we are, whether we are in the heavens or on the earth or in Hell. Changing the place or time does not change the man.

If we are being filled with life now, and are ministering life to others, we will continue to do so during the parousia and then throughout the unnumbered ages that will follow the appearing of Christ and His saints. If we are not being filled with eternal life now and are not ministering life to others, it is certain we will not participate in the parousia. We will not appear with Christ when He returns with His saints and the elect angels.

As long as we are bound by love for the world, by sin, and by our self-love and self-will, we are of little use to the nations of the earth. Therefore we will not be a participant in what is designed to cleanse the earth of sin and rebellion and to release the meek of mankind into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

To be continued.