The Daily Word of Righteousness

Philippians 3:11, #18

Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness? (Romans 6:16)

Paul taught the Jews the difference between attempting to save one's self by performing the works of the Law, and receiving God's gift of salvation through Christ.

In Romans, Chapters Six through Eight, Paul carefully explained that the Christian redemption, that which leads finally to the redemption of the physical body, works in us as we through the Spirit put to death the deeds of our body and follow the Spirit of God. These passages are being ignored. The believers have seized on Paul's explanation to the Jews in Chapters Three through Five and are announcing that God has given eternal life to us regardless of how we behave.

It is an immense doctrinal error, and it is having a tragic effect on mankind. The light of the world is not shining. The churches are not exhibiting the good works of righteousness by which people glorify God.

The righteousness that is not of the Law but through faith in Christ is not a righteousness that comes as we choose to believe spiritual facts. The righteousness that is through faith in Christ is explained in Philippians 3:10. It is given as we interact with the living Jesus, as we enter the power of His resurrection, and as we are conformed to His death on the cross. Faith is not mere belief. To live by faith is to participate in experiences that bring us into an ever-deepening union with the Lord.

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed unto his death; (Philippians 3:10)

"That I may know him" means to enter union with Him.

"The power of his resurrection" indicates that we learn to exchange our flesh and blood wisdom and energies for the eternal Life that flows from God through Christ. This Life moves and guides us in the world, enabling us to live above the darkness and death with which Satan has blanketed mankind.

We do not learn in one moment to live by the power of Christ's resurrection. The ability to flow in that Life comes little by little as our natural life is brought down and the Life of Jesus takes its place.

"Being conformed to his death" signifies that the Spirit of God leads us into all the areas of self-denial that our Lord knew. Jesus was crucified through weakness but lives by the power of God. God deliberately causes all the wisdom, knowledge, abilities, strengths, and talents of our natural man to be brought to nothing so that in their place He may introduce the eternal Life that is in Christ.

The "righteousness that is of God by faith," the faith by which the righteous of all ages have lived and served God, is union with God in all He Is and does. All the saints of history have lived this way. The difference of the Christian Era lies in the fact that union with God in all He is, is much more demanding than had been true prior to Christ's resurrection. Also, much more Divine grace has been given to make possible a far more complete union.

To be continued.