The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Release of the Material Creation

Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. (Romans 8:21)

The Lord God of Heaven created the material realm, including the bodies of human beings. The material creation was "very good" when it was made (Genesis 1:31) and it still is very good.

The problem of Eden did not lie with the material creation. The problem had to do with the fact there was not found in man a spirit capable of governing the paradise that the Lord God had placed on the earth.

Adam and Eve merely were people of flesh and blood. Their spiritual nature was weak and inexperienced. Therefore, as always will happen, stronger and more experienced spirits took control. In this instance the stronger spirits were rebellious and wicked.

The Development of Ruling Spirits

One of the main purposes of God in Christ is to develop ruling spirits who will be able to bring order and eternal life into the material creation. The Kingdom of God is the ruling of the material creation by righteous and holy spirits who are in perfect obedience to the Father in Heaven.

We understand, therefore, that God is interested in bringing forth "overcomers"—human beings who, through the Lord Jesus Christ, are successful in gaining victory over the various forces that come against them.

Notice the rewards Christ holds out to those who finish their course, who endure to the end, who keep victory through Him:

A crown of righteousness (II Timothy 4:8).

To eat of the tree of life (Revelation 2:7).

A crown of life (Revelation 2:10).

Not to be hurt by the second death (Revelation 2:11).

To eat of the hidden manna; to be given a white stone, and in the stone a new name written that no man knows except he who receives it (Revelation 2:17).

Power over the nations (Revelation 2:26).

The morning star (Revelation 2:28).

A consideration of these, as well as the other rewards set forth in Revelation, Chapters Two and Three and other passages of the New Testament, suggest that our rewards will be in the areas of life, rulership, and relationship to God and Christ. It is possible that some of these rewards are increments of personality and are being given to us as we overcome now.

In the Day of the Lord, Christ will appear with His ruling, perfected spirits, His victorious saints (Hebrews 12:23). They, with Him and through Him, will take over the rulership of the material creation (Daniel 7:22).

The rewards to the overcomer may be increments of eternal life given to those who, through the Lord Jesus, emerge victorious in the Christian warfare. He who overcomes, who conquers, inherits all things, because what God desires—the performing of His will in the earth as it is in Heaven—depends for its success on the availability of those who are able to rule in obedience to God (Revelation 21:7).

The Kingdom of God is the ruling of the material realm by the Lord God through Christ through the saints. It is the governing and enjoying of the material realm by righteous spirits. In the coming Kingdom only the righteous will govern. The scepter of Christ's Kingdom is a scepter of righteousness (Hebrews 1:8).

To be continued.