The Daily Word of Righteousness

Requirements and Purposes of the Two Resurrections, #14

So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. (Matthew 20:16)

Our day is one of great opportunity. Many who are last in time will be first in the Kingdom of God. Our day also is one of great lawlessness. The Antichrist spirit of economic security and gain is prevalent, even among nominal Christians. The False Prophet, the spirit of religious delusion, has perverted Christian thinking and doctrine to such an extent that Christian teaching is leading people away from God rather than toward God.

Christian preaching, with its holding forth of traditions and fables in place of the Word of God, has produced churches that are much more of Babylon, of religious confusion, than they are of Christ.

Now is the time to press into the Life of Jesus until we are filled, filled, and filled again with resurrection life. Wherever resurrection life is not present in our personality the forces of decay and death enter rapidly. The pressure of the spiritual darkness always is present to invade any vacuum in us. We must live in the Spirit and be filled with the Spirit—always.

The great majority of earth's people, including professing Christians apparently, will be raised in the second resurrection. There they will be dealt with fairly, for God is not anxious to send His creatures into the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. God is willing that all persons come to the truth, repent, and be saved from wrath.

But very great wrath indeed awaits every individual who, knowing of the love and mercy of God, chooses instead to serve the god of the present world.

There are a few who are pressing forward, as was Paul, in order that they may arrive at the out-resurrection from the dead. The discipline imposed on them is total!—unsparing!—seemingly at times without mercy on their flesh and soul.

These are the children of the King. They are the heirs apparent to all the possessions of the King. They are the members of the royal priesthood, the firstfruits to God and to the Lamb (Revelation 14:1). They stand on Mount Zion and sing a new song they have learned from the Spirit. Only they are able to learn the song because the learning of it requires a depth of love for Jesus that the victorious saints alone possess.

Let us not be weary in well doing. We will reap in due season if we do not give up in unbelief and discouragement.

Any person who is called of God to be a member of the royal priesthood can attain the first resurrection of the dead, if that is what he or she desires above all else. But he must serve the Lord Jesus with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength throughout each day of his discipleship on the earth. If he stumbles he is to get back up on his feet and fight on.

It is impossible for a man or woman, boy or girl, to be completely happy until he or she is doing the Lord's will. All God asks of a human being is that he does God's will for him as an individual; that he lay hold on the unique calling and goal God has established for him.

If we will do that, if we will serve God each day, praying for strength and wisdom, doing what we can to obey and please God, we will be raised at the time and under the conditions that have been designed for us. We do not have to strive to be a king, or for glory, or to do "great things for God," or to make any other extreme effort to establish ourselves in the Kingdom of God. It is the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.

All God requires of any person is that he fear God and keep His commandments, that he walk in righteousness and humility, showing mercy toward his fellow creatures. Whoever will choose to do this will please God and God will raise Him up in that Day in great peace and joy. He will enter the place prepared for him from the foundation of the world. (from Requirements and Purposes of the Two Resurrections)