The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Two Shall Be One, continued

And the Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:22—NIV)

No wedding ceremony was needed for Adam and Eve because Eve was formed from Adam. She could marry no other. She was Adam in another form.

There will be no Anglican ceremony to unite the Lamb and His Wife. We are being married to Him today as we live by Him. When the Bible says "the marriage of the Lamb is come" it is referring to our being revealed to the world as His possession and our being clothed with the wedding garment, the robe from Heaven that will clothe our resurrected flesh and bones.

So it is true that the Wife is formed from the Lamb. She can marry no other. She is the Lamb in another form.

As we said, it is God's love, His delight, to see Himself in Christ, to find His Life in another, as it were. So it is the Lamb's love, His delight, to see Himself in another, His wife.

When God decided to enlarge Himself by creating a counterpart, a fullness, for His Son, He created the physical universe. The purpose of the physical universe is to be a visible expression of the invisible God.

The Lord Jesus Christ, born of Mary, is the beginning of the Kingdom of God, the eternal House of God, the Temple of God, the Tabernacle of God of which the Tabernacle of the Congregation is a symbol.

There is coming a day when the Lord Jesus Christ, once God has brought all in subjection to Him, will Himself be subject to God. Then God will be All in all. All the physical creation will be an expression of Jesus Christ and God in Him.

Nothing, no person, no creature, no aspect of nature, no incident, will exist apart from the Lord Jesus Christ and God in Him. God will be All in all!

This is why we must be born again if we would enter the Kingdom of God. We must be born of the physical realm and then be born of God. The Kingdom of God is all the Glory of God housed in a physical form. We see this when the Lord emerged from the cave of Joseph of Arimathea.

Every created thing, if it is to endure through the ages of eternity, including man, must die and then be raised in Christ. Even Christ Himself died and then was raised as the beginning of the Kingdom of God. He Himself is the Firstborn from the dead.

The entire creation that came through Christ: the Church which is His Fullness, the nations of saved people, the physical universe, were all envisioned in the mind of God in a past so distant from us as not to be comprehensible. In fact God did not originate at any point and so when we say time past it has no meaning. There was no time at that time, so to speak. It was the era before the beginning. This our minds cannot grasp for we are finite creatures.

It is enough to know God is in control of all things and all shall take place exactly as He has planned.

To be continued.