The Daily Word of Righteousness

Salvation Is Deliverance From Sin, #14

If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire. (I Corinthians 3:15)

Here is an individual whom the Lord has decided to save by delivering him from sin and self-will. Perhaps a saint has made intercession for him. Whatever the reason, the Lord has determined to deliver the person and bring him into His Kingdom.

This believer has many sins that are entwined in his flesh, his soul, and his spirit. He is self-willed. He has lived in the passions and appetites of the flesh and soul. He has not put to death the works of the flesh. In addition, there has been little progress as to the forming of Christ in Him.

The Scripture states that this Christian will reap corruption in the day of resurrection.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. (Galatians 6:7,8)

What does it mean to for a Christian to "reap corruption"? To reap corruption?

What it means to "reap corruption." Let us take a closer look at the Christian who has been revealed before the Judgment Seat of Christ and has a sin-filled personality, is self-willed, and has very little of Christ formed in him; yet the Lord has determined to save him.

He or she is filled with hatred, bitterness, envy, lust, slander, criticism, covetousness. He has no intention of obeying the Lord or His commandments. He has "accepted Christ" but then has not studied the Word, prayed, attended the assembly of fervent disciples, has not given generously of his means, has not sought the gifts of the Spirit or attempted to serve God or man.

All of this is revealed at the Judgment Seat.

This believer has reaped corruption. All that is found in him beside his worldliness, lust, and self-will is a corrupt adamic personality. There is very little of Christ in him. He has sown to the flesh and he has reaped corruption.

What it means to be delivered from sin "through fire." The Lord has heard the prayers of a godly relative or friend, just as God remembered Abraham's concern for his nephew and dragged Lot out of Sodom. God has promised His intercessor He will save this individual.

Now the fire begins, whether in this life or the next. Intense suffering, perhaps over many years or even centuries as measured by our time but experienced in the spirit realm, pass by. The individual is shut up in a small place and there is confronted with his sin. He screams for mercy but there is no reprieve.

The woman who aborted her child is forced to see every detail of the aborted fetus. She cannot get it out of her mind. It is with her night and day. She pictures the happy little boy that will never run through the field with his dog, the little girl that will never cuddle her dolly. Her agony never abates.

The adulterous husband is compelled to think about the wife and children whom he deserted and who lived many years in poverty. His son, having no father, grew up to be a drunkard. His daughter, because of her hatred of men, became a lesbian. He cannot get it out of his mind. Year after year he sits in his box while his sin is visited upon him.

The bitter woman reviews, reviews, reviews scene after scene as her bitterness destroyed her family. The drunkard remembers and cannot forget how he brought himself and his loved ones to ruin. The covetous person considers the money he amassed and then is pierced again and again by the thought that his wife and children were neglected and grew to hate him and the Lord. His gold became a cancer and killed his spiritual life and finally his physical body.

To be continued.