The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Ruler, #6

And there appeared a great wonder [sign] in heaven; (Revelation 12:1)

Here is a marvelous sign and wonder. It is a sign and wonder in the heaven, in the spirit realm. The woman, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, is a wonder in the heaven. How much time and energy is misdirected among Christians because we do not understand clearly that the Church of Christ is not a social earthly institution? The Church is in Heaven and of Heaven. The Kingdom, the rule of God comes from Heaven. This is why Matthew refers to the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of Heaven.

All that is of eternal value in the building of the Church, and in the activities of the Church, comes directly from Heaven. That which originates in the strength and wisdom of the flesh is of no eternal value. The flesh profits nothing.

Perhaps one of the greatest insights we shall gain into the Kingdom of God in these last days is that the Church is of Heaven and is in Heaven. Nothing can be accomplished on the earth of eternal, spiritual value until it has been fashioned first in the heavenlies (Colossians 2:20; 3:1,2).

The Christian churches are not limited to the employment of human wisdom, energies, and talents in a man-directed attempt to construct the Kingdom of God. Our adversary is a spirit. We are wrestling against wicked spirits, fallen angels, evil princes who govern the world activities from their thrones in the air above us (govern as God permits and oversees).

The weapons of our warfare must not be of the fleshly abilities of people. Our weapons must be "mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds" (II Corinthians 10:4).

The Church of Christ is a "great wonder in heaven." The Church is not of the physical world. The Church was born, "not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13).

When we refer to the Church, in this booklet we are not speaking primarily of the local churches. The Church is not seen as such on the earth. The true Church is viewed only in the spirit realm, in Heaven, in the present hour.

It appears that the majority of church people throughout the two thousand years of the Church Age have not been part of the true Church of Christ. Most church work proceeds from the human soul, not from the Spirit of God.

It is no small matter to be a part of the true Church, the true Body of Christ, the true Bride of the Lamb.

Several forces will be brought to bear upon Christian believers in the near future. There will be much deception, persecution, and an unprecedented pouring out of God's Spirit. After that will come the great tribulation spoken of in the Scriptures, followed by the appearing of the Lord from Heaven accompanied by a multitude of militant saints.

These forces and events will serve to separate the true Church from the majority of believers of the local churches and bring the Church to the unblemished perfection promised in the Scriptures. The love of the majority will grow cold during the hour of temptation (Matthew 24:12).

To be continued.