The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Ruler, #36

And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. (Revelation 12:11)

It is the Holy Spirit who creates the word of our testimony. As we walk in the Holy Spirit, He perfects the testimony of Christ in us. The testimony of Christ is the Spirit of prophecy, pointing toward the coming of the Day of the Lord (Revelation 19:10).

We receive power after the Holy Spirit comes upon us: power to testify of the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ; power to testify of the need of people everywhere to receive Christ, to repent of all sin and wickedness because of the soon coming to the earth of the righteous Kingdom of God.

The Divine testimony to the earth consists of righteousness and also of works of supernatural power and wisdom. All righteousness, both imputed (ascribed) and practiced, comes from the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. All holy supernatural power comes from the Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

The Lampstand is of solid, refined gold. The Divine testimony comes from the Holy Spirit. No part of the testimony comes from the wisdom and strength of human beings.

There is a point at which we humans tell about the Testimony. John spoke of the Divine Testimony, Christ, who was from the beginning, whom John had seen and heard. But even John's testimony concerning the Testimony, given in John's Gospel, in his three letters and in the Book of Revelation, had to be guided by the Holy Spirit Himself. The eternal Testimony of Christ always comes from the Spirit of God.

The witnessing Church is clothed with the righteousness of Christ. Christ gives us His righteousness. We preach, as the Holy Spirit enables, to all persons everywhere that if they will receive Christ, repent of their sins, and be baptized in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, they too will be covered with the righteousness of Christ.

Those who believe on Christ and are baptized in water will be saved from destruction in the day the Kingdom of God enters the earth, as Rahab and her family were saved from destruction by the covenant of the scarlet cord in the day Israel entered Jericho.

The witnessing Church of the end-time outpouring of the Spirit of God will be a righteous, holy, and obedient Church. It will be "clothed in sackcloth" (Revelation 11:3). This means it will be a Church that itself is always humble and repentant before God and preaches the message of repentance.

The message of repentance is as follows: turn away from the spirit of the world; turn away from unrighteousness; turn away from uncleanness; turn away from disobedience to God. Entrance into the Kingdom of God requires that we receive Christ as our Lord and Savior, and that in His name and through His grace we live uprightly, truthfully, sincerely, faithfully, patiently, humbly, in holiness and in obedience to God's written Word and also to His will for our individual life.

To be continued.