The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Seven Furnishings of the Tabernacle, #30

So shall the king greatly desire thy beauty: for he is thy Lord; and worship thou him. (Psalms 45:11)

We do not see the beauty being created in us because we do not see with Divine eyes. The Word of God tells us that Christ is ravished with the beauty of His Bride. The Bride is never the means to an end as far as Christ is concerned. She is the end of the workings of God, the result of thousands of years of travail. She is the "choice one."

Christ must never become a means to an end to us. He Himself is the end of all our desires. The Holy Spirit is creating a Bride with whom Christ is joyful. Let us be joyful in Christ. He is our Lord. Let us worship Him.

If we become wholly occupied with Christ, living in union with Him, the result will be the Divine Fruit—children in the image of Christ who will fill the universe with the Glory of God. This is the eternal purpose of God toward which all of the creation is moving.

The cup, the fruit, the flower: here is the true Christian life. We receive Christ (the fruit) because someone was willing to be poured out to death (the cup). As Christ grows in us, under the ministration of the Holy Spirit of God, the beauty of the Lord is formed in us (the flower).

Is the fruit—Christ—being formed in you? Is the beauty of the Lord coming forth in your life? Do not be astonished when God comes down to savor the perfume that will flow from your total consecration to Him—consecration that must pass through fiery trials.

Trust Christ. The inheritance of fruitfulness and dominion you desire is possible only as you are willing to become a cup that the Lord Jesus, the High Priest of God, pours on the fire of the Altar of Incense.

The Altar of Incense

And thou shalt make an altar to burn incense on: of shittim wood shalt thou make it. (Exodus 30:1)

The Altar of Incense was located in the Holy Place, directly in front of the Mercy Seat. The Mercy Seat was in the Holy of Holies. The Veil separated the Altar of Incense from the Mercy Seat.

And thou shalt put it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee. (Exodus 30:6)

The holy incense that was burned on the Altar of Incense was compounded from stacte, onycha, galbanum, and frankincense, seasoned with salt (King James—"tempered together"). This mixture was the only incense allowed in the Tabernacle, and if any person made perfume like it for his own use he was to be cut off from Israel.

The golden Altar of Incense was much smaller than the Altar of Burnt Offering, being only eighteen inches square and three feet high. It was, however, higher than the Ark and the Table of Showbread by nine inches.

The Altar of Incense had four horns, similar to the Altar of Burnt Offering, showing that the power of the prayer and praise offered by those who have bowed in death before the Lord shall overcome the enemy throughout the whole earth. Also, the four horns pointed to the four divisions of Israelites camped around the Tabernacle, indicating that the Church is to offer prayer and praise to God without ceasing.

There was no provision for removing the coals or incense when Israel was on the march. Perhaps the incense was to be kept burning perpetually, even while the Israelites were journeying through the wilderness, but this is unlikely. Keeping the incense burning on the march would present practical problems. Also, the incense was only for the Lord to smell.

To be continued.