The Daily Word of Righteousness

The "Singles" Group, #11

For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3)

When we put our faith in Christ for salvation and are baptized in water, God counts us as having died to the Law of Moses. Christ fulfilled the Law of Moses perfectly, finally offering Himself on the cross to make an atonement for the sins of mankind. When we put our trust in Jesus His righteousness is ascribed to us.

All of this has been done so we may be free to leave the requirements of the Law of Moses and be married to Christ. If we are not married to Christ, God's plan of redemption is aborted in us.

God never intended we should be released from the Law of Moses so we then may live without law. Yet, such is the understanding that in many instances is given by current Christian teaching.

The ministers say, "There is no law but the law of love," having, it appears, no specific idea of what they are affirming. How can Divine love spring from the fleshly nature of the believer?

The Apostles who wrote the New Testament stated clearly and emphatically that we are obligated to live a righteous and holy life in the sight of Christ: first, by adhering to the numerous injunctions they gave us; and then by keeping the laws of righteousness by nature as Christ is formed in us and lives in us in true, spiritual marriage (I John 3:4-9).

Indeed, our righteousness must exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees if we would enter the Kingdom of Heaven, not just our imputed righteousness but our actual righteousness of behavior that results from our union with Jesus Christ.

Multitudes are in the valley of decision today. When the Day of the Lord draws near to the Christian he is forced to make a decision. "Should I give myself to Jesus? Or is this some trial that soon will be over so I can continue in my customary self-centered life?"

The believers who continue to evade the cross will be led away from the Kingdom of God, not realizing this is happening. They are the church of Laodicea. They are worthless to God and to man, fit only to be vomited from the mouth of the Savior.

Those who choose to be married to Christ will be brought through severe chastening and fiery trials. Yet the comforting voice of the Lord will come to them and His Presence will sustain them. They are His Bride. They will shine as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father.

Let the Bride, the virgin daughter of Zion, rejoice. Her Lord is coming, skipping on the mountains of spices.

. . . and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 14:21) (from The "Singles" Group)