The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Authority and the Morning Star, continued

I the LORD do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed. (Malachi 3:6—NIV)

God does not want us to look for formulas that will "work." This is to put the head of man on the Body of Christ. God desires people who will walk each day as little children, holding His hand, looking up to Him in complete trust; not metaphysicians who know how to "believe" something into existence or how to "speak the creative word."

Continuing with the second chapter of the Book of Isaiah:

And clasp hands with pagans. God does not want us joined together with unbelievers. We are not to trust the world to help us with Gospel work. Sometimes God uses people of the world to assist us. That is a different matter and may result in a reward for them.

But we never are to join with the local community in order to get help with the work of God. The elders in the days of Ezra refused the offer of assistance from the surrounding tribes, even though the rejection caused hostility.

Their land is full of silver and gold; there is no end to their treasures. The Christian churches have grown to believe the power to do Gospel work comes from money. They beg for money. Sometimes the ministry is led astray by covetousness. God's people do not seem to know the power of the Holy Spirit, His role in building the Kingdom of God.

Money is the image of Antichrist.

Their land is full of horses; there is no end to their chariots. In those days horses represented power and material wealth. Through the centuries of the Christian Era, when the churches grew cold toward God they put their effort behind acquiring ornate buildings—temples and palaces of worship that reflected the wealth of the institution.

Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made. One of the warnings to the seven churches in the province of Asia has to do with eating food sacrificed to idols. Today these idols include the worship of money, of entertainment, of bodily lust, sometimes of eating and drinking, of comfort and luxury, of the esteem of people, of professional sports, of power over other people. We worship the things of the world system.

So man will be brought low and mankind humbled—do not forgive them. All these destructive behaviors and bondages we have mentioned are the personality and actions of the adamic nature, even the adamic nature of Christians. If we were to receive authority over the nations and at the same time retain our adamic nature, God's will would not be performed in the earth.

What is God's response to our adamic nature?

Go into the rocks, hide in the ground from dread of the LORD and the splendor of his majesty!

Because of the self-centered myths we are preaching in place of the Gospel of the Kingdom, myths proceeding from the arrogance of the adamic nature, such as the view of Divine grace as an alternative to keeping Christ's commandments, unconditional love, eternal security, a "rapture" to escape suffering and trouble, there is little fear of God in the churches. There is arrogance, pride, smugness, and an aggressive faith that seeks to command God to do whatever the individual thinks is profitable or correct.

To be continued.