The Daily Word of Righteousness

Becoming the New Covenant

I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, (Isaiah 42:6)

"I will take hold of your hand."

It is a good thing to hold the hand of God. But because of the pressures coming upon us in these days we need to have God hold our hand.

Due to the spread of sin throughout the world, the prevalence of demon spirits and rebellious angels is increasing. The crimes committed in the United States are so heinous as to be beyond description. We are becoming accustomed to children shooting other children in school, to people chopping up bodies and leaving the parts in different locations. It seems there is no end to the horrors. Yet the government keeps on playing political games, fiddling while Rome is burning.

But if we consent to be the bondslave of Jesus Christ, God has promised to hold our hand. When God is holding our hand we can walk on the very brink of disaster as safely as though we were home in bed in fact more safely.

When you lay down at night do you say, "Lord, you alone make me dwell in safety"? It is a good idea. A few months ago a spider bit my eye while I was snuggled "safely" under the blankets. What does this teach us about safety?

Here is a marvelous promise. If we are God's servant He will hold our hand.

How safe a child feels when Dad is holding his hand. How safe we ought to feel when God is holding our hand.

What can harm us if we are walking with God as His servant?

I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles.

God wants every member of the Body of Christ now, and throughout the ages to come, to be a covenant for the people, a light for the nations of the earth.

The old covenant can be written on tables of stone, on parchment, on paper, on the walls of our house. The new covenant can be written only on the human mind and heart.

What we term the "New Testament" is actually a record of people who themselves are the new covenant.

When Christ is formed in us, people can approach Him through us, and God through Christ. All that people need is found in God but they are unable to approach Him. They cannot see Him. When they pray they usually hear no response. God is far away in Heaven, somewhere beyond the galaxies.

But when we are the bondslave of Christ, people can come to Christ and God through us and receive their needs and desires. For this purpose each member of God's elect was called and chosen to be the Presence of God (Immanuel) throughout the creation.

We ourselves are being made the covenant of God with His creatures. This is the role of the royal priesthood.

To be continued.