The Daily Word of Righteousness

Things To Come, #8

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, (Romans 1:22)

Any person of intelligence can observe the propaganda being carried on in the name of "education." The libertarians accuse the Christians of presenting dogma to children, such as the biblical account of creation. The libertarians, by endorsing the easily disproved, foolish hypothesis of evolution, are the current dogmatists.

The doctrine of separation of church and state, as it is used in America, is a hypocritical farce. Spiritism and humanism are religions. Yet they are prevalent in the public schools. Transcendental meditation is a religious exercise; yoga is a Hindu practice. Both of these are practiced in public institutions.

Supernatural involvement in the form of imaging, positive thinking, success thinking, the acceptance of spirit guides, have their practitioners in public schools. Various totems, dances, and other religious expression from different cultures are being brought into the public schools in an effort to dilute the prevalence of the traditions of Western Christianity. The Japanese fish is flown from the public school flagpole. The Chinese dragon parades through the playground.

Yet every Christian practice, along with the Scriptures, is rigorously denied entrance to the schools under the doctrine of the separation of church and state.

Public educators understand that education cannot proceed in a moral-spiritual vacuum. In fact, the very removal of the idea of God from the schools is in and of itself a religious practice.

To have no God is to practice the religion of having no God. Secularism is as much a religion as Christianity. It is impossible to remove religion from people because religion consists of the set of ideas that guide one's life.

The question is not whether there should be religion in the public schools of America, the question is what religion will be practiced. The answer does not come through truth or moral superiority but through power. It is not a question of right and wrong but of who can force his will on people.

The struggle today concerning evolution versus creation, Christmas versus a winter holiday, Easter versus the spring recess, is not a conscientious debate in which people of integrity are seeking to find ways of dwelling together in peace and love. It is a naked power struggle in which people who hate the moral constraints of Christianity are utilizing all the force they can muster to drive the teachings of the Scriptures from the American culture.

The contest is not between liberal and conservative, between right wing and left wing, between totalitarianism and democracy, it is between good and evil.

God's people are sheep. They still are hoping that somehow they will be able to hold back the tide of evil in America. They still envision America as a Christian nation in which a few liberal politicians are stirring up trouble.

The old America is vanishing rapidly. The new America, the America under the influence of Antichrist and the spirit of religious delusion, has already conquered. Spiritual wickedness is rapidly expanding its borders.

Professing themselves to be wise, some of the intellectual leaders of America have become fools—dishonest, immoral fools. They are not intellectually honest. They are propagandists, peddling their humanistic religion. They claim to examine facts dispassionately. They do nothing of the kind.

To be continued.