The Daily Word of Righteousness

Things To Come, #9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. (Jeremiah 17:9,10)

In the academic circles of the universities there are many conscientious, kind, generous people. They are attempting to treat morality as though it were another science to be mastered in the hope of producing a more fruitful civilization.

They are failing miserably for two reasons: one, only God understands human nature and can improve it; two, there is an army of evil spirits that is using these well-intentioned scholars to bring about Satan's desires in the earth.

The struggle to bring peace and justice to the earth will not attain victory as the brain of man seeks to overcome sociological problems. The tragedies of mankind will not yield to human effort no matter how selfless, how benevolent. Rather, a battle is being fought between two powers, between spiritual titans.

The gentle scholar, dabbling in the theories of libertarianism, is a pawn of Satan. The innocent student, hoping to find success by inviting a spirit guide into his consciousness, has been duped. The immature Christian, seeking to become wealthy through using faith and imaging, has been deceived by the enemies of his soul.

The humanists, the libertarians, the theorists of democracy, are often vicious proponents of anti-God dogma. They do not seek truth, they seek to remove all restraints on human conduct so they can indulge themselves in the lusts of their flesh. Their hostility toward the Gospel is no more idealistic, no more virtuous than this.

They profess to champion freedom of expression. But the views of those who oppose them are disdained and crushed, not always by the bayonet but by more subtle means: by the educational theorists in the teacher colleges; by the media; by the judiciary; by those in political power.

In Russia the children are not allowed to read the Bible in the public school classroom (although we understand that this has changed recently). In America the children are not allowed to read the Bible in the public school classroom. The Christian school is permitted to exist in America, at least to the present hour. But many American Christians are too poor to pay the tuition of a private school. Their tax money goes to support a school system that is attempting to destroy everything Christianity stands for.

If America does not repent and assist the Lord's people in this hour of spiritual darkness, it is not at all impossible that when the Lord comes America will prove to be one of the goat nations.

We who love the Lord do not fret ourselves concerning the monstrous lie that parades under the name of science, of enlightenment, of freedom of expression. Our King will return and cleanse the lie from the earth. He will avenge Himself upon those who hate His ways and His people.

To be continued.