The Daily Word of Righteousness

Things To Come, #22

I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. (Isaiah 45:23)

For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God. (Romans 14:11)

Every knee in the spiritual and physical realms shall bend and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord, giving glory to God the Father.

Blessed indeed is the person who, understanding all this, receives Jesus—not only as his Savior but as absolute Lord of all he thinks, says, and does.

Today the Lord Jesus stands at the door of each heart. Those who hear His voice and open the door will discover a banqueting table in their own soul. There the Lord and they will dine on the riches of Christ. The enemies of God and man will fill the earth but Christ will spread a table for His own in the very presence of the enemy.

It is going to be difficult to survive spiritually in the coming days. There will be, as never before, opportunities to engage in moral depravity. In addition there will be tremendous spiritual oppression, and perhaps the physical persecution, torture, and murder of the saints.

Before the light of God's Glory come upon us the darkness will continue to increase until the people in the great cities of the world will no longer be able to believe in Christ, pray, or even think clearly. A suffocating blanket of demons and fallen angels will press down on human beings—even on nominal Christians.

Because of the coming age of moral horrors the liturgies, programs, and other church activities to which the blood-washed are accustomed will no longer serve to enable people to walk before God in peace. They will be as a drop of water on a white-hot stove.

Then there will be a clear line of demarcation between the disciples and those who are merely churchgoers. The Lord Jesus told us we could not be a disciple (a Christian) apart from denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Him. But we have not done this. We have turned away from discipleship and have embraced the Christian religion of attending church and going through the motions of our particular denomination.

Traditional church liturgies are no longer effective. They already are dead, and the days ahead will reveal the corruption that even now is working in contemporary Christianism.

The assemblies of saints must become much more active and interactive. The high praises of God must resound until the meeting place is filled with intense worship. The Word of God must be a sharp sword, cutting away all that is not of Christ, not of the Spirit of God. If such is not the case, if the believers assemble, sing the hymns, listen to the choir (or some other sort of platform presentation), give their offering, and listen to the well intentioned exhortation of a trained speaker, and then return to their daily business, Christ will not be formed in them. In other words, the Kingdom of God will not be formed in them.

It is just this serious!

The Holy Spirit yet will perfect a Church without blemish. But that church will consist of a warlike remnant of holy people who are carrying their cross behind the Lord Jesus.

Blessed is every one who dies in the Lord, who chooses to be crucified with Christ so Christ may tabernacle in him. The Father and Christ will come to each individual who keeps Christ's word and will make Their abode with him.

The "Tabernacles experience" is the provision God has made for those who love Him during the wickedness and oppression of the end-time.

Those who choose to make the secret place of the Most High their eternal dwelling place will be perfectly safe throughout the things to come—the danger and tribulation, protection and glory, which are at hand. (from Things To Come)