The Daily Word of Righteousness

True Unity, #6

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. (Ephesians 6:10)

The social life of our assembly must become spiritually strong enough to bring the young people to Jesus so they can stand in the Lord with or without their parents.

Partying is not a good preparation for the suffering that already is on the horizon.

From twelve years and up the young boy or girl must be sternly committed to the Gospel. In the future, some of this age may be required to give their life rather than deny the Gospel.

Christian fellowship is for committed saints of all ages.

Parties are for babies. By babies we do not mean in chronological age. Many believers are over forty years of age and still are babies, still yearn for their parties. They are not members of the royal priesthood. They will not govern the nations with Christ. How they are treated after they die, and after the resurrection, we have no idea. They may be placed in the outer darkness.

The time is past for the customary foolishness, the pampering of young people. "Delicious," luxurious living has characterized Christianity in the wealthy nations. All such softness and comfort will be swept away by the broom of destruction that is at hand.

In Christian fellowship there is sharing—sometime sacrificial sharing.

And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. (Acts 2:45)

In parties there is much selfishness, much self-centeredness. The believer at a party probably would not be in a mood to share his goods in a sacrificial manner.

During the early Christian fellowshiping, there were believers added to the Church. Every true Christian time of fellowship will edify the members of the Body of Christ.

It is not likely there would be lasting spiritual results coming from a party. Social gatherings attract people to the local church. But people brought into the assembly by parties are not likely to accept the rigors required of the true saints. As soon as they hear the demands of discipleship they will leave.

Christian fellowship is a necessary, wholesome part of the Christian discipleship.

Committed saints soon outgrow their desire for parties.

The purpose of Christian fellowship is to glorify God and to come to know the Lord in a deeper way. At the same time, we gain a better understanding of our fellow believers and are able to build them up and be built up by them.

The purpose of a party is to know people better and to have fun with them. In a mixed group the lusts of the flesh are always present no matter how well controlled.

Fellowship brings joy.

Parties are fun.

The true spiritual unity we are seeking comes about as we abide in Jesus. The fellowship of saints helps us in our attempt to live ever more closely to the Lord.

As we live in Jesus where He is, we already are one with others who also are living in Jesus where He is—in the bosom of the Father.

Reveling results in the eternal spiritual babyhood so common in the Christian churches of our day.

Fellowship brings to maturity the one new Man, Christ—Head and Body.

Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: (Ephesians 4:13) (from True Unity)