The Daily Word of Righteousness

We Christians Do Not Understand the Gospel!, #12

Behold, a king shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment. (Isaiah 32:1)

Let us look at some of aspects involved in preparing the nobility of the Kingdom of God.

The Calling Out and Re-creating of the Nobility of the Kingdom

Let us think about the meaning of the term "Church." The word Church literally means called out, that is, called out from among the nations of the earth.

Each member of the Christian Church (not each member of all the churches that term themselves Christian) is a member of the Body of Christ, a part of the Wife of the Lamb. He or she is a holy one of God, a saint.

Each member of the Church was called of God from the beginning of the world. Each member is destined to be an integral part of the new Jerusalem, the city that will govern the world for eternity.

Each member has been called, justified, and glorified in the sight of God. However, this does not mean each member will arrive at the place that has been prepared for him or her. Let each reader keep in mind the following: every aspect of salvation is an opportunity. It always is possible to forfeit one's inheritance, as did Esau. We are made a partaker of Christ provided we steadfastly hold the beginning of our confidence to the end of our life.

Righteousness is imputed (freely ascribed) to us when we receive the Lord Jesus, apart from any works of righteousness we have performed. Imputed righteousness authorizes us to enter the process of salvation.

The actual working out of our salvation is a process of re-creation. If we are not participating each day in the program of re-creation then we are not being saved; for the process of re-creation is the Divine salvation.

An individual is not saved into the Kingdom of God when he is forgiven his lying except in a legal, imputed sense. The liar is saved into the Kingdom when he begins to tell the truth. The process of salvation converts the liar to one who tells the truth. This is the Kingdom of God. There are no liars, fornicators, murderers, or covetous people in the Kingdom of God. The ability to always tell the truth is not imputed to us, it is created in us as we live by the body and blood of the Lord Jesus. This is how we are born into the Kingdom of God.

There are three areas of change that must take place in us if we hope to appear with the Lord Jesus as part of the nobility of the Kingdom of God.

Our moral nature must be re-created.

Our union must be re-created.

We must undergo strict training so we may march in the army of the Lord Jesus.

We will not appear with the Lord when He returns if these three aspects of our personality have not been dealt with satisfactorily.

To be continued.