The Daily Word of Righteousness

The First Four Feasts, #14

Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field. (Zechariah 10:1)

If it is true, as we have suggested, that the Pentecostal "rain" has been available throughout the Christian Era, we would expect similar manifestations during the period. A study of past revivals indicates that this indeed has been the case.

The confessing of sins on the part of the believers often has been practiced in times of spiritual awakening. Also, speaking in tongues and miraculous healing, two prominent characteristics of the outpouring of the Spirit of God recorded in the Book of Acts, consistently have followed the anointed preaching of the Gospel from the first century to the twentieth (see, for example, Chapter XXIII, "Pentecostal Outpourings in History," Stanley Howard Frodsham, With Signs Following. Springfield, Mo.: Gospel Publishing House, 1946, pp. 253-62).

Speaking in tongues and miraculous healing are important elements of Divine grace that every believer in Christ should expect to accompany his discipleship. Both of these blessings are readily available to each true Christian.

It does not require a profoundly mystical experience in order for the believer to speak in tongues, to be healed by the Spirit of God, or to pray with success for the healing of others. These are the normal privileges of everyone who follows Jesus. Tongues and healing both are at hand. They are close to the saint who is pursuing the life of victory in Christ. The power and glory of the Kingdom of God abide on us when we accept the Lordship of Christ over our life and obey His will in all matters, great and small.

If we, as a Christian, ask the Lord for the ability to speak in tongues, and thank Him in advance for the answer, it is likely that we soon will find ourselves speaking in tongues. We do the speaking, under the gentle guidance and prompting of the Spirit, and the Spirit gives the words.

The same is true of Divine healing. If we ask the Lord to heal us or to heal another person, and thank Him in advance for the answer, He will come and heal us. How could it be otherwise? The Scriptures are the Word of God and God does not and cannot lie.

If the healing is delayed for some reason, the believer is not to give up. It is God's will to heal His saints and the healing will come in God's time and God's way. Our part is to abide in faith and obedience in God's Word, trusting in His many promises concerning healing.

Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; (Psalms 103:3)

Sometimes it is the Lord's will to take the individual home. In that instance, no tragedy has occurred. The person is far better off being with the Lord, and it is not reasonable or proper for us to attempt to force God to do differently.

To be continued.