The Daily Word of Righteousness

The First Four Feasts, #26

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. (Acts 2:2)

How Abraham must have rejoiced to see God fulfilling magnificently the promise made to him two thousand years before, as he held the knife over his "slain and resurrected" son: "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed."

Heavenly dynamite. Pentecost! The term draws our spirits to the Spirit of God. The word inspires to the core the true saint. On the Day of Pentecost the dynamite of the Spirit of God was given to the followers of Jesus so a witness may be borne to every nation of the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you." Here is the baptism with dynamite for service. The tongues of flame abiding on the waiting believers signified that the word of judgment had been put into the mouths of Christ's heralds.

We see the effects of the word of judgment in the ministries of anointed saints, whose words caused people to be gripped in an agony of conviction as the Holy Spirit spoke of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.

Smith-Wigglesworth of England, Aimee Semple McPherson, Dr. Charles Price—these saints and others who have borne the harvest-rain anointing encourage us by their example to turn away from the useless strivings of the flesh and to wait on the Lord for the enduement of power from on high.

Pentecost! Pentecost! Pentecost! How desperate is the need for Pentecostal power in the world today. Sin-burdened, sick, frustrated people need the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ—the Gospel of power that brings miraculous healing and other supernatural working of the Spirit of Christ.

Let us cry unceasingly to the Lord for "bread" to feed the friends who have "come to us in their journey." Harvest time is here now.

In the present hour there is a widespread moving of the Holy Spirit among the members of the historic denominations. Episcopalians, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics—all are experiencing the speaking in tongues and miraculous healing. The current moving of the Spirit has been termed "charismatic." Speaking in tongues is a help to our individual and collective praise and supplication.

The Christian "in the Spirit" speaks directly to God (I Corinthians 14:2). Speaking in tongues makes possible an ease and fluency in worship. There are times when spiritual pressures become greater than the ability of the disciple to frame and utter words sufficient for the burden. How blessed it is to be able to yield to the Holy Spirit so He can take up the burden and carry it through to the answer.

Speaking in tongues always remains subject to the judgment and will of the saint. The Christian himself always remains subject to the judgment and will of the Lord Jesus as given through the Holy Spirit of God.

To be continued.