The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Judgment of God, #4

Who will render to every man according to his deeds: (Romans 2:6)

If we are saved by belief alone, then God will not recompense "every man according to his deeds." God will render to every man according to his deeds except the men who have believed in Christ. God will not repay the believers according to their deeds.

The current Dispensational teaching is that upon receiving Christ the spiritual laws of cause and effect are done away. The Christian will not be held accountable for his behavior in the world. He will not reap what he sows. His lies, his stealing, his fornication, his rage, his gossiping, his self-will shall not be dealt with as will the wickedness of people who have not accepted Christ.

According to the current deception, the inhabitants of Heaven and of the new Jerusalem will not be people who practice righteousness, holiness, and obedience to God. They will lie. They will steal. They will bear malice in their hearts, and they will not forgive.

Their behavior is not of critical importance because they all are saved by grace—"saved" meaning they have been allowed to enter Paradise. For ten thousand years, according to one commentator, the believers will be praising God for His grace, meaning they still are filled with wickedness but God has brought them into Paradise.

It is maintained by deceived teachers that the main thing God is searching for is our statement of belief in His Son. What kind of character we demonstrate is important, but not critically so—at least not as far as Divine judgment is concerned.

The Dispensationalist holds that a true Christian saint is one who possesses the correct statement of faith concerning the Lord Christ. Whether or not he or she practices fornication, stealing, self-will, self-exaltation, disobedience to God, murder, covetousness, or strife will not have a significant bearing on his or her destiny when death comes and Divine judgment is administered.

Do you truly believe this?

It is not what Paul, James, Peter, and John taught. It is not what Paul meant when he taught that we are saved by grace through faith.

The Scripture states:

Who will render to every man according to his deeds (Romans 2:6).

Our question is, does Romans 2:6 (above) apply to the new-covenant saint?

The writer's conviction is that it does, with the following two provisions:

The sinful man or woman, boy or girl, on coming to the Lord Jesus for salvation, receives total forgiveness of all sins committed. This is a full pardon. God remembers these sins no longer.

When a Christian sins he is to confess the sin to the Lord and repent of his conduct, receiving Divine grace to enable him to resist the devil in the future. Upon confessing his sin he is forgiven and cleansed, and the particular behavior will never be mentioned to him again provided he does not resume practicing what has been confessed and repented of.

The above two provisions apply to the Christian. There is no provision for the individual who has not believed in Christ, who has not come under the new covenant.

To be continued.