The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Work of Restoration, #15

This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. (Joshua 1:8)

It is so important that we learn what the Scriptures state! If an angel appears and preaches a gospel slightly different from Paul's teaching, do we have enough knowledge of the New Testament and enough spiritual confidence in what is written that we can stand and defy even a supernatural being? Slight differences in what the Holy Spirit has written can produce catastrophic effects in our Christian experience. We shall be confronted by supernatural deceivers in the near future.

If we know what the Scriptures declare, we are to stand fast on that written Word. The written Word, the Scriptures, never shall fail. The Scriptures shall remain unchanged in the smallest detail when the heavens and earth pass away.

Incredible changes soon are to come to pass on the earth. But the written Word of God never shall change. No angel can change the written Word. We have Christ with us and the Word states that all the angels of God must worship Him. Let us remember that fact throughout the coming changes and stepped-up spiritual activity.

Ezra had "prepared his heart." We—every one of us—are to prepare our heart. No longer can we coast along in the hope we will be able to cope with the coming events. The Spirit of God is directing each of us to prepare his heart for the work of restoration. Let us move into the program and see what marvelous experiences the Lord has for us.

Ezra "had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments." Let us begin to read the Scriptures and become doers of the Word, encouraging the people around us to follow our example. When we do that the Lord Jesus can use us in the work of restoration.

Because Ezra had prepared himself to seek the Lord, God moved on King Artaxerxes of Persia to open the political doors that made it possible for Ezra, the priest, to continue to develop the ministry of the Temple of God.

We stated previously that we are not to allow the world to join with us in the building of the Body of Christ, to participate in the holy things of Christ. We do not allow the world to join with us in the ministries of the assembly of saints because God requires holiness of those who draw near to Him. He will not accept those who are "uncircumcised," that is, who have never truly received the Lord Jesus in their heart. The world needs God, but God does not need the help of the world. Neither does God's Church.

But there do come instances when God determines that His work of restoration requires the opening of certain political doors and the good will and assistance of persons to whom God has entrusted the guardianship of earthly power and wealth. Then God will speak to those guardians and their hearts will be moved to make it possible for the work of restoration to proceed to completion.

Such political assistance is not the same as the entrance of the world into the church in order to make the church popular and acceptable to the surrounding community. It is not the same type of support that will be offered by the Antichrist in order to remove the churches from the control of the Holy Spirit of God.

To be continued.