The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Ninety-first Psalm

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1—NIV)

I believe difficult times are coming to the United States of America. Because of this we need to know what the Bible promises concerning protection from trouble.

Some Evangelicals are looking to faith to head off disaster. Others are trusting in an imminent rapture. There also are other traditions, such as God loves American Christians too much to let them suffer.

None of these traditions is founded in the Scripture but in deception or human reasoning. There are, however, Bible promises we can look to to keep us from panicking in the hour of disaster.

It is of great importance to note the condition on which Divine protection depends. The condition is that we dwell in the shelter of the Most High.

It is not enough to have "accepted Christ." Taking the four steps of salvation is not a ticket to the continual blessing of God. We must be dwelling in Christ right this minute if we expect to be protected by Him.

How do we dwell in Christ? By looking to Him at all times, for all decisions, under all circumstances. We must live in Him, talk to Him, think about Him, seek His guidance continually. Christ always must be uppermost in our mind.

We must be presenting our body a living sacrifice, setting our mind on things above, giving thanks for every blessing and letting our requests be made known to Him.

Dwelling in Christ is a way of life. In all our ways we must acknowledge Him. If we will keep on acknowledging Christ in the small things we will find that we do the same in great crises. It is in the "small" matters that we forget to acknowledge the Lord, and it is in the small matters that we get tripped up.

"Will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." The days ahead in America are going to be tumultuous. There will be turmoil, people running here and there in their confusion. The individual who is dwelling in Christ will have rest. He is living in God's shadow. He does not fear death or whatever else the future holds for Him.

I will say  of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." (Psalms 91:2—NIV)

God is our refuge. When the outside world grows dark and dangerous we run to God just as a child runs to his mother or father. We take refuge in Him.

God is our fortress. When the enemy approaches we go back to the fort. We are safe behind the impenetrable walls of the Lord. The forces of darkness have no power that can possibly breach those walls. No siege no matter how long maintained by the enemy can bring about surrender. We are safe in the Lord.

The Lord is our God, not pleasure, not money, not entertainment, not violence, not witchcraft, not our stomach, not popularity, not success, not our talent or education, nor any human being, but the Lord. We worship Him alone because He has removed our idols from us.

To be continued.