The Daily Word of Righteousness

In the Fire With the Lord, continued

I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate; they will not cling to me. Men of perverse heart shall be far from me; I will have nothing to do with evil. (Psalms 101:3,4—NIV)

Forcing our will on everyone around us is vile behavior. Taking credit for someone else's accomplishment is vile behavior. Starting a rumor about a person is vile behavior. Those who would separate friends are an abomination to the Lord.

Dishonesty, treachery, and lack of integrity, such as we see in the American government today, are vile and never shall be admitted into the Kingdom of God. Many ministers are saying we ought to forgive the wickedness in our leaders (even though there is no real repentance) and that all the treacherous are "saved by grace." These ministers are misguided and are leading our nation to destruction. Such behaviors are destined for the Lake of Fire. They can be hurt by the second death.

Some members of our government claim to be Christians who are saved by grace. Yet they continue in their vile behavior. Their "grace" will deposit them in the Lake of Fire.

When we are in prison God deals with all forms of murder that are in us. These forms can range from actually killing someone physically to gossip and slander. Gossip and slander are so common in the Evangelical churches that it appears pastors and teachers have given up trying to remove such actions. But gossip and slander absolutely ruin the testimony of a Christian assembly.

Gossiping and slandering are direct works of Satan. As such they are to be confessed as abominable sins, denounced, renounced, and driven from the Christian personality. All types of gossip, slander, spite, revenge, bitterness, hatred, backbiting, come under the category of murder. He who hates his brother or sister is a murderer and has no eternal life in him.

All such hate and divisiveness belong in the Lake of Fire. The second death retains authority over them and can torment the individual who practices them whether or not he or she is a Christian.

When we are in the prison of testing God deals with sexual immorality. The United States of America is the world headquarters for sexual immorality. Hollywood is responsible for much of this as its giant sewer pipes pour forth moral filth from its cavernous cesspools of perversion and infidelity.

Divine judgment is not slow to respond to this thrusting aside of God's laws. Multitudes of Americans are afflicted with one or more kinds of venereal disease.

Much of the world views America as a Christian nation and an immoral nation. Think of the kind of testimony "Christian" America is giving to the world! It is no wonder the Muslims rage as they do about the "great Satan."

This is not to excuse the spirit of murder in the Muslims, but it does point out that America is sick and may already, as David Wilkerson has pointed out, have lost its place as the leader of the world.

God will never, never, never permit a nation to continue in the lusts of the flesh in the manner that is true of America at the present time. Every form of sickness, disability, and weakness will enter our country. Many of the politicians are becoming fatuous, vacuous, foolish children who are amazed at their own silly behavior. We see this also in some of the leaders of England—that nation that once stood for righteousness and strength.

America will not be able to defend herself against the warlords of more disciplined nations that are biding their time, waiting to conspire against the United States. Sexual immorality has destroyed the backbone of America and our country will be unable to resist the onslaughts of the future.

I am writing this toward the close of 1998. We shall see whether or not what has been written is the truth.

Marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. But whoever engages in sexual activity in an unlawful manner can be hurt by the second death.

To be continued.