The Daily Word of Righteousness

Purifying the Church From Sin, continued

You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:13,14—NIV)

There are several ideas floating around that deal with the issue of sinful people entering a new world of righteousness, the Kingdom of God that is to come to the earth. All of these with which we are familiar are founded on the concept that the Christian salvation is largely restricted to forgiveness, that we are "saved by grace" meaning we will enter God's righteous world on the basis of forgiveness. This position necessitates some kind of viewpoint as to how, when, and where we are changed from forgiven sinners to new creations who are without sin, unless we are ready to believe that the only righteousness of the future will be that which is imputed to sinful people. Do you follow me this far?

Let's take a look at some of the current assumptions about how Christ will deal with the problem of bringing sinners into His righteous Kingdom, and then examine the solution presented in the Bible.

When we go to Heaven we will not sin. There is no sin in Heaven. We cannot keep God's commandments now but we will be able to once we die and go to Heaven.

When the Lord returns we will be transformed instantly from sinful creatures into lords of righteousness who will govern the nations. We will rule with Jesus.

We will continue to be pretty much as we are except that God will keep forgiving us through grace.

When we are raptured to Heaven we will pass before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Then the Lord will forgive all our sins (if we have taken the four steps of salvation) and we will not sin any longer.

The first solution is as follows: When we go to Heaven we will not sin. There is no sin in Heaven. We cannot keep God's commandments now but we will be able to once we die and go to Heaven. The problem with this solution is that it is possible to sin in Heaven. In fact, sin began in the holiest part of Heaven, around the throne of God. Satan was one of the two cherubim that covered the Mercy Seat with their wings.

Sin is spiritual in nature. We do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against wicked spirits in the heavenlies. Therefore leaving our flesh solves nothing as far as sin is concerned.

Not only is it true that passing into the spirit realm does not give us victory over sin, it is true also that it always will be possible for us to sin against God. Five million years from now it will be possible for us to sin against God. If this were not so we would not be sons of God, we would be puppets. Sin is always a choice and our ability to choose to disobey God will not be taken from us.

To be continued.