The Daily Word of Righteousness

Flying by Instruments

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

Today is Christmas. Yesterday I had a good lesson.

I had bought a bit of jewelry for Audrey (my wife) and had hid it in the usual place. While I was working out on my treadmill (to please the cardiologist) it came to me to check to make sure Audrey's present was ready for tomorrow. This was about 10:00 A.M.

No gift-wrapped package in the usual place! Panic!

I looked all over the house. No red package with the yellow bow. Oh, man!

I finally went and told Audrey and assured her we would go down in a couple of days and pick out something better. I didn't want to rush down and pick out any old thing. I had prayed a lot about the jewelry and had found just what I wanted.

So I went into the bedroom and sat down. "Lord, what is going on? I prayed about this so much! You even gave me a special time to buy it without Audrey knowing about it!"

I said to the Lord, "Whatever is going on I want to learn the lesson in it. I know there is a lesson here."

Then I praised the Lord for showing me before Christmas morning so we would be prepared to have no present for Audrey. As I prayed I had the assurance that the gift was in the house and I would find it in time.

Well, you can't always go by feelings. My son David and I had looked in every possible place. But I had this assurance!

Time came for church. Since I am a worrier and like all my ducks in a row I had to pray hard to keep my mind on what I was going to teach. I said, "Lord, I am going to fly by instruments. You have given me the assurance everything will work out fine tomorrow so I am going to press forward even though all my ducks are not in a row."

I thought nobody would be there for the Bible study since it was Christmas Eve, but some new people came and I taught them on the feasts of the Lord. The people that get our tapes love it when I'm teaching new people or children because then I slow down and explain what I'm talking about.

Driving home I thought, "Now is your chance Lord. Time is running out." But I didn't really expect to find that package.

When I got home I was putting my stuff away, and there it was—Audrey's present. I had been looking for a red package with a bow and forgot I left it in a little black paper bag from the store.

I have been praising God ever since. Boy, did I learn a lesson! You really can fly by instruments. I think this is going to be useful in the days ahead.

It is my habit to listen to the still, small voice. But since this dramatic experience my faith has really increased. "I'm listening, Lord!"

"Lord, help me to trust!"