The Daily Word of Righteousness

When a Christian Dies, #18

When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory. (Colossians 3:4)

The Bride must prepare herself for the coming of her Lord. It is those whose life Christ is who will appear with Him in glory. Our preparation for the powerful entering into us of the Godhead is not one of belief in doctrine; rather, it is the transformation of all we are. Even those who have pursued Christ with all their devotion and energies will be staggered by the awesome Presence of God they will experience in the Day of the Lord.

Truly, our hearts will "fear and be enlarged" in that Day (Isaiah 60:5). The nations will behold the glory of the tabernacling of God with His people. Those nations that do not come up to Jerusalem to acknowledge that God now is dwelling in His people will be punished by the Lord. Then the whole world will know and understand it is God who has sent Jesus Christ, and also God loves the saints as He loves Jesus.

Let us repeat: the dwelling of Christ and the Father must be beginning in us now if we expect to be ready for the marriage of the Lamb that will take place when the Lord appears. It is impossible to be a careless Christian and then enter the marriage "by grace." The Bride is purged from her spots and wrinkles by the wilderness experiences of this world.

The Bride is not regarded as perfect, and prepared for her marriage to the Lamb, by imputed (ascribed) righteousness. The Bride is made perfect in actual righteousness, holiness, and obedience to Christ by the refining of her faith in the fires of tribulation. She is purged from all sin and self-centeredness by the baptism of fire that she must endure at the hands of God. Only then is she fit for union with Him who is fairer than ten thousand.

Not only shall we see God, having been made like Him, but we shall be a part of His Personality. Do you agree that such a salvation, such a redemption, is marvelous beyond words to describe? Our hope would be blasphemous were it not found in the written Word of God.

We can keep on following Jesus in our darkest hours because we understand the glory that will come to us is so lofty, so powerful, so filled with God's Person and Glory, that our character must be transformed and refined in order to receive the inheritance. God's intentions toward us are thoroughly good. Let us respond with faith and trust in our Father in Heaven.

To be continued.