The Daily Word of Righteousness

The Antichrist, The False Prophet, and the Image, continued

And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (Matthew 16:18—NIV)

Jesus told us He would build His Church on the Rock He Himself is. He did not instruct us to build our church or to feed our sheep.

We are to labor to enter the rest of God. The rest of God has to do with the fact that God finished everything from the foundation of the world and we have to keep coming to Him to find out what He has already done.

The rest of God has to do with the eternal Sabbath, the day that has no evening and morning. When we live in the eternal Sabbath we do not think our own thoughts, speak our own words, seek our own pleasure. We think, speak, and act in the fullness of the Presence of God, living by His wisdom and power.

The rest of God has to do with our inheritance, which is the entire creation—particularly the nations and the farthest reaches of the earth. Our inheritance presently is inhabited by our enemies: Satan, the other rebellious angels, and the demons. These are God's enemies and our enemies. They cannot be driven from our inheritance except as two armies work together, the army of angels and the army of the saints, the judges.

Neither army can wage war successfully except as directed by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of both hosts. When saved, Spirit-filled people go forth in their own wisdom and strength to save the world they bring more rebellion and confusion than is already present in the universe.

We humans know nothing at all. When we are forgiven our sins through the blood of Jesus Christ we still know nothing at all. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit we still know nothing at all. We are as so much dust. We cannot do anything of value in the Kingdom of God until we realize we know nothing and are nothing.

The Kingdom of God will be established in the earth by the power and wisdom of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Our task is to enter into Them until They become part of our thinking, speaking, and acting. Until we do, our efforts in the Kingdom result in rebellion and confusion.

Today we behold the rise of the False Prophet in the Charismatic churches. We are admonished to speak the creative word of faith. This is the False Prophet. We are exhorted to get rich by exercising faith. This is the False Prophet. We are told that if we have faith we will never be sick. This is the False Prophet. We are advised to command the angels. This is the False Prophet. We are told to take the place of the wicked spirits who control a city. This is the False Prophet. We are told to join together so we will have more power to command revival. This is the False Prophet.

If all the Christians in the world joined together to do something "for God" it would be the greatest exhibition of the False Prophet in the history of mankind.

Why are these "Christian" efforts the False Prophet? Because they desire the two horns (double portion of power) of the Lamb but speak with the mouth of the dragon.

To be continued.